Доц. др Љубо Пејановић
Факултет за правне и пословне студије Нови Сад
Мила Јегеш
НИС Нови Сад
Наташа Станковић
КБЦ Земун

UDK 502/504

Forms of Threat to Ecologys Security

Summary: This paper addresses the problem and the form of risks to ecological security and environmental protection in the Republic of Serbia. Ecological security and environmental risk in this region, represent a threat to the safety of citizens, their health and property. The problem of adequate protection of citizens and their property are more difficult due to the inability of responsible institutions in the entire territory, as well as the lack of modern means for the removal of harmful content and decontamination of terrain, which threaten the environment.

Key words: ecology, safety, protection, natural accidents, Serbia
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